Gifts & Commissions
Renowned International artist Richard Nichols can create an individual work of art to celebrate something special, someone special or somewhere special.
Perfect for …
- wedding / anniversary / birthday presents
- remembering special places
- Business anniversaries
- Staff Retirement
- Promotions / Fund raising
About the paintings
Each work is usually based on a half sheet of top quality 300lb Waterford or Bockingford watercolour paper which gives an approximate size after mounting of approximately 715 x 535mm (28 x 22 inches), although works can be created to suit any particular dimensions – they are supplied after professional mounting and framing which unless otherwise required, includes an individual detail window with wording to mark the location/occasion/date/name, etc
How much does it cost?
Commissions cost from £500 to £1500 including all reasonable expenses and framing – smaller studies and paintings from £250.
Some original paintings and limited edition prints are also available for sale.
How to commission your painting
Simply email [email protected] with commission details. Richard will then contact you to finalise your requirements and arrange payment.
Limited edition prints
Limited Edition Prints of five selected paintings (only 15 prints each), as signed, hand pulled lithographs.
To order a full size (715mm x 535mm ) please email [email protected] or phone through your details on 01728 663722 to arrange payment and delivery.
Stumped for a Gift?
Present a special person in your life with a unique gift … a voucher for a painting workshop. The gift vouchers are valid for one year and can be custom made to your specific needs. Get in touch with Richard for more details.
Please feel free to make contact in order to discuss your own personal art requirements or creative aims
email: [email protected]
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